Love on the road

Complete Guide to Men in Serbia: Dating Them, Personality, Looks & More

The Serbian man is well-known for his looks and attitude and that tough, Balkans-only charm. Though he may look macho and tough on the outside, inside his heart beats the soul of a romantic.

He has to have someone in his life who will love him unconditionally, be patient with him during bad times, and teach him how to enjoy life when it’s good.

We’ll learn everything about men in Serbia in today’s article – so make sure to read all the way to the end.

So, no matter if you are looking for a new partner in Serbia or just seeking to understand your man better, then this guide is perfect for you.

Serbian men have their own specific character traits that you need to know if you want to date them or just get closer to them. As a side note, you can read more about the Serbian dating culture here.

We will talk about what these characteristics are and how they affect your relationship with these guys – and a lot more. So let’s start!

Serbian Men: Personality Traits

elegant Serbian man

There are many PROs that we’ll talk about, but one big con is the fact that many Serbian men are not very loyal.

While cheating and non-exclusive relationships are getting more and more popular, if you want your man to be yours alone, you’ll have to work a bit for it.

Get this guide to learn more about how to win a Serbian man’s heart and make sure he never leaves you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to read this!

But back to these otherwise great guys, it’s worth noting that they are very non-materialistic.

They will be the last ones to complain about not having a lot of money or material things, which takes out a lot of pressure in modern day relations.

Don’t expect your Serbian man to do big gestures for you in order to prove his love because he doesn’t feel obliged by gifts from others.

At the same time, if you want to buy him something, then he will be happy with whatever you choose.

This comes from the fact that they’re not materialistic at all: they will prove their love for you through their actions, and not by showering you with gifts.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that he won’t do any romantic gestures or surprise you with a nice gift every now and then.

They can do that and they will do that every now and then.

Because, in the end, men in Serbia are very romantic and affectionate. They love spending time together with their partner just talking about everything under the sun or watching a movie cuddled up on the couch.

Serbian men adore children; there is no doubt about that. Regardless of whether he has kids or not, a Serbian man will love any child as if it were his own.

This means that most want to start a family sooner rather than later – it’s up for you to decide if this is a Pro or a Con.

father and daughter having fun

What I can say is that he will be very nurturing and patient with children no matter what, making him a great father.

Serbian men love to talk (and most of them sing also). A lot. About anything under the sun and not just empty talk.

You will see that it’s absolutely charming to be in their company and hours will fly by without you noticing.

The best part is that this is not something they do in the early stages of a relationship – you can see old couples on a bench talking and having fun like they just met. Really cool!

Men in Serbia: Looks and style

Serbian guys are truly gorgeous, to say the least. They have a certain style about them that will make you fall in love right away.

They look like models and it’s not hard for Serbian men to get noticed by girls all over the world.

Probably this is why you are here, in the end: their personality is great, but it’s their looks that drew your attention first, right?

Serbian men are usually very strong and fit; no wonder why the Serbian army has one of the best physical fitness records in all of Europe. (But fortunately, you don’t need to find a soldier in order to get yourself a really fit man).

Serbian sportsmen

Serbian men are relatively tall and well-built; they usually stand at least five feet ten inches (178 cm), but I always have the impression that most of them are actually taller.

They have very dark hair, green eyes, olive skin color, and nice white teeth! Serbian guys love to take care of their appearance by going to the gym and by wearing nice clothes.

Serbian men can be found in a gray jacket, white shirt, and blue jeans most of the time. Of course, being from the Balkans means that they love their branded sweat pants and sports clothes too.

Don’t be surprised for some to flex with their Adidas or Nike pants and even bring a complete sports-attire to a date. In some cases, this is how they show off and they consider this type of clothes the best they have.

In this matter, they are very similar to men in Bulgaria or even Slovakian men.

They love to wear dark colors during winter but go crazy over bright-colored shirts once summer comes around.

However, they will not hesitate when it comes to wearing a well-tailored suit during formal events, so it’s not all sweat-pants and running shoes!

Serbian men love tattoos and piercings; no wonder why you can see so many of them with great tattoos around the country.

If this is your type, then getting involved with one will be easy as pie since Serbian guys are very open about who they truly are and what they believe in.

Of course, you will have a tough competition from Serbian women who are equally beautiful and careful about the way they look – so you should too. But we’ll touch on this below.

What is it like to date a Serbian man

Serbian men love to date women from other countries, but this doesn’t mean that simply by being a foreigner you will seem more interesting to him. But at least it’s good to know that they generally enjoy meeting people from all over the world.

Serbian dating culture

Serbian men are not very traditional when it comes to dating; they will wait for you to make the first move. They like women who know what they want and who are not afraid to go out and get it.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that they will never approach a woman they’re interested in.

It just means that if he seems hesitant, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s not interested. He might be just testing the waters or waiting for you to make the first move.

Despite all this, if your relationship is moving forward too fast in comparison with their standards, then they might back off. Serbian men love taking their time when it comes to dating.

Serbian guys are very protective of the women they date no matter how tough-looking they may seem.

This also makes them to be a bit more jealous than most, but it’s just because they care. And eventually, they will learn to trust you. Hopefully – ha!

Serbian men do not like women who want to change them. They love their country and culture, so it would be hard for them to consider moving somewhere else. But at least they are open to meeting women from other countries.

Men in Serbia are brave, honest, and hard-working people who will always stand by your side when it comes to taking care of you or supporting you financially.

Serbia flag

Do have in mind that Serbia is relatively poor compared to other countries in Europe (but this is also why even in the capital, Belgrade, the cost of living is low).

Talking about the type of women they like, I would say that they always go for outspoken, independent types.

They usually want someone who knows what she wants in life instead of sitting around without doing anything to improve their situation.

It’s also good for you to enjoy parties – they are very important in the Serbian culture. The men here have a great sense of humor and are outgoing, making them the life of a party no matter where they are.

They also like to get creative with you – literally. This means that they won’t shy away from writing you a poem or composing a song about you, which is really nice.

I personally believe that all Serbians can sing – and do it well – which is an added bonus.

The perfect date would be a dinner at home or your favorite restaurant followed by a walk in the park.

But they would never say no to a night of dancing, singing, and drinking with friends either – although that’s usually for the 2nd and 3rd dates and so on.

Dating Serbian men can sometimes be a bit of a challenge since they expect their women to know how to take care of themselves, but if you are up for this challenge then go ahead! They will show you so much love and affection that it will make your head spin.

Final words

Serbian men like strong, independent women, who take care of their looks. They are great fathers, husbands, and very fun to be around. They like to be shown respect and will show respect in return.

They are good-looking and honest, although it’s not uncommon these days for them to lose focus and get interested in other women.

But if you read the guide I mentioned before – and you get past the early stages, then you will have a truly loyal partner that was worth all the effort you had to put in.

If you found yourself a good Serbian man, make sure you don’t let him go, he’s definitely one of the best catches amongst European Men.

And, as always, if you have any comments to make and things to add – don’t hesitate to let us all know by commenting below.

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Calin Ciabai

Living a location-independent lifestyle since 2008, I love to create content and manage websites. I write mainly about travel, video games, and health, but also other passions of mine. On Nomad Not Mad, I'm sharing all the knowledge I have gathered over all these years of traveling the world, the highs and lows, the beautiful places I visited, and all the disappointing ones as well.

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  1. Well all this is right. I am dating one Serbian man. But he’s so romantic and loving I enjoy each and every moment we chat and he’s promising to travel and come meet me soon this summer.

  2. Be cautious about your potential feminism, Serbian men don’t like that. Also, woke ideology, tattoos, and piercings indicate manly female with harsh behavior and that, my girls, and Serbian boys don’t like., too.

    Honesty, being humble and feminine with a nice touch of sense of humor will make him crazy about you.

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